Shopify Weirdness & Postal Issues

Shopify Weirdness & Postal Issues

Hey everyone,

Just a quick little blog post so I don't have to keep repeating it.

For some reason, Shopify's Shop app and Order Summary page have been showing fulfilled orders as Not Shipped or Ready To Ship. I don't know why this is happening and it's frustrating for both of us.

If you receive a "Your Order Is On It's Way" email from me then that means I have packed your order and will be dropping it at the post office either that day or the day after. The post office will then take a day or two to process it and send it, depending on how busy they are and when the pickup for that day is.

This past week I've had a bunch of people in the US contact me about their order not arriving yet. I am really sorry that it's taking so long. Unfortunately, once I hand the orders off to the post office, I have no control over what happens.

I think that it's just a busy time of year and either the UK, US, or both postal systems are overwhelmed with all the christmas orders AND the new change to UK customs labels may be causing some head scratching at the border. I don't know.

Sadly what this means is that we'll have to wait until January when everything has had a good chance to filter through the postal system before we can talk about refunds.

I know it is frustrating that presents haven't arrived on time and the Shopify weirdness makes it even more frustrating.

Just know that if you got your order in before Noon on the 20th of December then your order has been shipped.

Normal shipping will resume after New Years for all of those that got their orders in later.


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